Post by Deleted on Jul 25, 2014 3:39:54 GMT -5
Oryan Savill
PlayBy: Unknown
Name: Oryan Savill
Alias: Kalvin Grays
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human Experiment(Inscriptor)
- Hair Color:Burnt Sienna
- Eye Color:Blue
- Height:6'1"
- Build:Lithe, Lean
- Significant Features: Puncture scar from small caliber bullet wound on front of left shoulder just above the left pectoral. Burn scar all the way around his neck. And scars in his arms from repeated needle jabs.
- Clothing Style: Oryan usually keeps his outfits simple. Two tone high tops are his choice of footwear. He wears loose fitting khaki pants with a simple cloth belt. He wears a longsleeved green shirt under a sleeveless black vest. He keeps his shirt tucked into his pants.
Personality: Witty, Bold, Calm, Determined, Kind
Main Talent: Musician(Electric Violin)
Biggest Flaw: Doesn't take things seriously enough.
- Supernatural Grace - His movements are nearly perfect. They are instinctively precise and efficient far beyond normal human limits. This not only makes him more agile, but also makes him seem faster than he actually is because of the absence of wasteful motions.
- Heightened Senses
- Night Vision
- Has access to prototype personalized powered armor, 3PA, described at the end of the character application.
- Despite the abilities he does have he is still very much human in the sense that he can be harmed and, if the damage is extensive enough, killed just like any other human. He has human limitations for all except the above.
- Bright lights shined directly on him are blinding and have a slight hypnotyzing effect, keeping him still for a few seconds in addition to the visual 'white out'.
- The armor has limited activations unless more are authorized by an Axium scientist with acceptable security clearance.
Three Important Things About Your Character and/or Its Past:
- His personal magemark, and the source of power he uses to power the personalized armor created as a prototype by Axium, makes his Inscripted object into a powerful battery of electrical energy.
- He only recently discovered his magical potential, due to strange dreams he had due to the duress he was put under when he was recaptured by Axium.
- At certain times each year he grows a full set of antlers. They fall off eventually, though. This is often quite troublesome for him as he has to stockpile funds to live alone so as to not arouse suspicion or frighten anyone.
3PA and Oryan's Inscripted Item: The armor is completely sealed once it forms, preventing airborne toxins from entering and allowing him to exist underwater without breathing for as long as the suit is active. Once his Inscripted item is fully charged and inserted into the belt's power slot, he can put in the proper code on the satellite uplink cellular device and attach that to the belt for a ten minute authorization to use the suit. The suit increases physical strength and speed to an inhuman level, though not quite supernatural, and provides an extremely high degree of protection to the wearer. It is a prototype, and so it doesn't have any integrated weapons systems yet.
Oryan's Inscripted Item is a half inch thick, card sized piece of silver with an electric blue marking on it, Oryan's magemark and his personal inscription, which allows it to channel and store a huge amount of magical electrical energy to power the 3PA
Player Handle: Hewhostandsalone/Oryan
Role Play Experience: 8 Years.